Swastika Pauly

Pauly-Unstoppable here in a beautifull cloth with sayagata.

Swastika Maidu

The Maidu are an indigenous people of northern California. They reside in the central Sierra Nevada, in the drainage area of the Feather and American Rivers. In Maiduan languages, Maidu means "person". Maidu basket maker - circa 1908 Foto found on Native Indian American.

Swastika Tibet Wall

林龍 from Hong Kong visited Tibet and spotted this wall.

Swastika Clothing

Swastika Clothing describes themselves as: We are a small company that is dedicated to finding and making swastika related clothing and accessories. All designs are Hindu, Jain or Buddhist based, we are not a racist company.

Swastika Dedication

David Artisan, Glasgow. Swastika and the OM; from an original design by Jondix and Mike the Athens, with thanx to Phil Cummins, and tattoed by Amanda Lee. My tattoo is dedicated to ManWoman. 卐

Swastika BildKraft

Bildkraft Durch Mooses from Germany one of his wonderfull creations, pure talent.

Swastika 3D

Josh from England was good ennouff to share his last design explorations.

Swastika Lamp

Lorenzo Ruben, Switzerland, designed this lamp.

Swastika Huevo

Cesar Un from Santa Ana, California painted this wooden egg.

Swastika Man Woman

In 1965, I fell into a trance. 
My soul soared up into the Womb of the Sacred.
A Swastika made of light, a vortex 
of love and endless creativeness embraced me.
This was the homecoming of my soul.

A Wise Old Man in white robes in a dream, 
marked my throat with a white Swastika. 
He said, "Take this as your sign and redeem it 
so it will strike love in all hearts that behold it."

This is how I began my lifelong search 
for the historic truth about the Swastika 
and my journey to detoxify it from the sins of the Nazis 
-- my journey to re-sanctify it. 

 2 February 1938 - 13 November 2012

Swastika SideHead

Grace Neutral, South London, made his head a little more atractive.

Swastika ManWoman R.I.P.

In memory of my friend ManWoman R.I.P.  13 nov. 2012

Who is Manwoman?
Friend of the Swastika
Friends of the Swastika is a non-political, grass-roots movement 
anyone can be a part of. 
It is our aim to detoxify the swastika.
Its original meaning is the auspicious blessing at the source of life. 

We declare the swastika to be innocent 
of the crimes perpetrated under the Nazi banners. 
Five years of war cannot wipe out five thousand years of history.

First handout sheet he made in 1974 

Swastika Cartera

Bag by the Belgium Livit Vivid company, Original handmade things with vivid colours, quality materials and craftmanship.

Swastika Forever


Meenoy Kemball Daughter of ManWoman

My wonderful dad passed in his sleep this morning at 4:38am. Astarte was by his side the whole time as he made his peaceful transition. It is a gift to be his daughter and he will be lovingly remembered and cherished. I Love you Dad and will miss you very much ♥ 

Who is Manwoman?
Friend of the Swastika
Friends of the Swastika is a non-political, grass-roots movement 
anyone can be a part of. 
It is our aim to detoxify the swastika.
Its original meaning is the auspicious blessing at the source of life. 

We declare the swastika to be innocent 
of the crimes perpetrated under the Nazi banners. 
Five years of war cannot wipe out five thousand years of history.  

Swastika Window

Bart Overvliet: Farm house window, picture made on my trip in Yunnan province China.

Swastika Embroider

Elena Blaja: Moldovan Embroidery, picture taken in Museum in Chisinau, Moldovan Capitol... it is interesting that most of the cultures have got the swastica within its history as a symbol of goodness good luck and good fortune yet they dont even know about it.

Swastika WigWam

Matchcover from WigWam Villages - Kentucky, scan by: Devil Doll.

Swastika Finger

Forever together tatoo by Mr.TomasTomas "Into You", London.

Swastika Bracelet

Tracey from Newcastle, UK just bought herself a new bracelet.

Swastika Socks

These socks are from Mr.Norwig Oli Wodansson

Swastika Marriage

Matthew made this foto during the wedding of Sushil and Sharmila, Nepal.

Swastika Pata

Handpoked foot by Sakura.

Swastika Runebag

DesertRose: Rune bag I made for my husband. I will soon be making more similar and will be making them available for sale. I will post photos when they are ready to be purchased. Canvas material with embroidery and button or draw string closure.

Swastika CupCakes

Charlotte from Belgium had her made a few cupcakes from her friend Diana.

Swastika Wealth Bowl

Taking after the shape of a Chinese rice bowl, this Wealth bowl crafted in pewter and selectively gilt in 24K gold is decorated with Zheng De Tong Bao coins and repeated swastika motifs, a symbol of eternal wealth and good luck. Each piece comes with a Nyatoh wood base. Household and promotial items.

Swastika Kali

Foto from Rohini, Delhi New Delhi, for Navratri Kali ("the black one") is the Hindu mother goddess, symbol of dissolution and destruction. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of God. In the Vedas the name is associated with Agni, the god of fire, who had seven flickering tongues of flame, of which Kali was the black, horrible tongue. This meaning of the word has meanwhile been replaced by the goddess Kali, the grim consort of Shiva. Her appearance is fearsome: baleful eyes, a protruding tongue, and four arms. In her upper left hand she wields a bloody sword and in her lower left hand she holds the severed head of a demon. With her upper right hand she makes the gesture of fearlessness, while the lower right hand confers benefits. Draped around her is a chain of severed human heads and she wears a belt made of dismembered arms. As the Divine Mother she is often represented dancing or in sexual union with Shiva. As Bhavatarini, the redeemer of the universe, she stands upon the supine form of her spouse. Kali is worshipped particularly in Bengal. Her best known temples are in Kalighat and Dakshineshvara.